Being the Outcast: Turning Loneliness & Loss into a Better Community | with Mandi Caskey
Mandi Caskey is a muralist, gallery artist, and community activist. In 2016, the creation of a mural in the Rhodes State Office tower gave Caskey the official position as the state of Ohio’s first artist in residence. The painting now overlooks the city of Columbus as a permanent installation.
Mandi grew up as part of a middle-class midwestern family in Lima, Ohio. She spent a lot of time being watched by her grandma, who was a major creative influence in her life and instilled an interest in making things from very early on. But, growing up in a small town, being the eccentric artist didn’t make Mandi a lot of friends. She was a loner, and being able to paint her own worlds was something that inspired and attracted her.
The story Mandi shares is a lesson for all who consider themselves outcasts or loners; a lesson in finding support, learning that it’s okay to be different and disruptive, and understanding the impact you can make from seeing the world — and sharing your view of the world — differently.
What Brett asks:
Lessons for intentional living:
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