Creating Clarity Out of Chaos: Design, Technology, & Finding Your Superpower 

Lisa Cini is known as the leading Alzheimer’s and long-term care design expert in the United States and has been widely recognized for her contributions in the field. She’s the Founder and CEO of Mosaic Design Studio, Best Living Tech, and the Infinite Living Collaboration, all focused on design products and technology that help people move from fear to freedom as they face the challenges of aging.

Lisa is also the author of “The Future is Here: Senior Living Reimagined,” “Hive: The Simple Guide to Multigenerational Living,” and the recently-released bestseller “Boom: The Baby Boomers’ Guide To Leveraging Technology So That You Can Preserve Your Independent Lifestyle And Thrive.”

What Brett asks:

  • [04:15] What was your childhood like?
  • [09:43] What’s it like growing up when you feel like an outsider?
  • [19:13] So what happened as you started feeling smarter than everyone else? And how did you find your way back?
  • [35:34] What is your unique ability?
  • [45:35] Talk about what you’re doing with the Columbus Woodland Manor Mansion.

Lessons for intentional living:

  • “I think, sometimes, God puts those folks in your life…  put that negativity in your life, because at least for me, that’s the seed that helped me to be my best me.” When Lisa’s parents told her that artists don’t make a living and urged her not to be a designer, she used that as fuel to lean into the discomfort and take a risk. We all have these moments where someone close to us attempts to squash our dreams, often unwittingly and with good intentions, but you have the power to convert that negativity into something that serves you.

