G07: Melanie Corn

No One’s Mom Ever Made Them Go To Art School: Defying Expectations & Breaking the Mold | with Melanie Corn Dr. Melanie Corn describes her childhood as stereotypically idealistic. Not necessarily normal — a pleasant childhood is not quite as normal as it should be these days — but almost generically pleasant. Her parents didn’t […]

G06: Anela Lineham

Human Garage: Developing Practical Spirituality for All Kinds of People | with Anela Lineham Anela Lineham is the co-founder of Human Garage, a healing center where practitioners from a wide range of modalities collaborate to pioneer a treatment methodology that brings alignment to the body as a whole — including the emotional, mental, and spiritual […]

G05: Garry Lineham

Human Garage: Why We Are So Sick & How We Can Heal Ourselves | with Garry Lineham Garry Lineham lived in chronic pain for over 20 years, and during that time, he became increasingly frustrated with the countless treatment modalities that only addressed his symptoms. He realized the root of the problem wasn’t being solved […]

G04: Josh Trent

Belief, Thought, Feeling, Action: Choosing Mental Health & Being With What Is | with Josh Trent Josh Trent has spent the past 17 years as a researcher, trainer, and facilitator discovering the physical and emotional intelligence for humans to thrive in our modern world, founding Wellness Force Media and creating Wellness Force Radio in the […]

G03: Amy Landino

Good Morning, Good Life: Start Your Day With Intention | with Amy Landino Amy Landino is the author of bestseller Vlog Like a Boss and the award-winning host of AmyTV. With over 20 million views through her successful YouTube series, Amy is the World’s #1 Productive Lifestyle Coach and a leading authority on getting digital […]

G02: Regan Walsh

Stop Shoulding On Yourself + Start Living Your Personal Genius | with Regan Walsh Regan Walsh is an NYU-certified executive coach who helps women who are trying to do and be all things for all people in their careers, in their families, and in their communities. She’s helping them thrive, not just survive. Her coaching […]

G01: Jim Grote

Business Based in Unconditional Love: The Golden Test, Pizza, & Programming A.I. to Love | with Jim Grote Today we’re going to learn the story of how pizza changed one man’s life — and, as a result, thousands of lives in the Columbus community and world. Although they’re born about a generation apart, our guest […]


How We Will Improve the Human Experience Together The human experience—we’re all having it, moving through it, and transforming as we go. And I believe that sharing our experiences openly and honestly with one another can connect us, help us, and inspire us. It’s why I’m launching this podcast. Every week, I’ll sit down with […]
